Monday, February 10, 2014

Moses 1:39

Hola Familia!!
We have had a pretty good week! First news is that we have a Baptisimal Date for one of our investigators: RD. She is absolutely the sweetest lady I have ever met- just all around sweet! She is super creative, not only a grandmother, but great-grandmother. She is so full of energy and loves children. She is single, but keeps herself busy with projects and things. We met her about 2 months ago when we passed by this house with a giant  Viejito Pascuero (Santa Clause). . but anyways, we passed by and took pictures (pic attatched) and upon entering, we asked if we could sing her a Christmas hymn. 
So we did, and we had had little luck getting in touch with her after that. But we were able to pass by her house a few weeks ago with a member. Since then we have had lessons with her and we were able to put a date for March 2nd. One of her daughters was baptized about 25 years ago, and so she understands what it means to be baptized and she is preparing. I ask that you can pray for her, so that she feels prepared. Our biggest challenge over the past few weeks/months is getting in touch with her. She is a busy lady! but we have stressed the importance of our message and the commitments we give her. 
Yes I am still in El Parque (answer to dad´s q) and I will be for at least another 4 weeks. But the mission is not known for doing changes very often-- at least during my time here. So It is pretty normal that I am still here with Hermana Salazar. But bright side of things, it has been the coolest thing to see changes in people. For example, there is a less active lady in our ward named M_____. She has three kids who are members of the church. All who live with her and are less active. It was a complete blessing to find her in the first place because we have asked so many members and we don't think they know that she exists. But anyways, she was completely against us coming by- this was in October. So over the past few months we have been visiting her. Slowly she came to warming up to us. None of the other missionaries were able to visit her, because she lives far behind a (sort-of) abandoned house, because she is single, and because she just doesn´t like people visiting her. But we have been working diligently with her. We invited her to read the Book of Mormon, something she hasn't done in over 15 years. Although we haven´t gotten her to come back to church, we invited her to do a temple tour. Hna G_____, her daughter A____, and her granddaughter are coming with us to the Temple this Wednesday. And with the challenge to read the BOM, yesterday she told us that she completed the first book of Nephi. How cool is that?!?!
Other than that we have been doing well. Yes, it is getting colder, but we are working hard. A lot of people are coming back from vacations, so it will be getting easier in the next couple of weeks. 
I have been studying a lot about our Potential to become like our Heavenly Father. It has really opened my eyes this week just how blessed we are because we have come to this Earth to come and to prove ourselves, but just with being on this Earth, we have the responsibility and privilege to be like Him already. I have studied almost all of the scriptures in the topical guide that says. - Man, Potential to become like our Heavenly Father. I have learned a lot with this scripture alone. 
Time has escaped me. I love you Dad, K, Elder B. I pray that you are doing well and that you find joy in the blessings of the Spirit this week... Especially with the Temple ;) love you

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